The indicator Simulates the full structure of the market profile system that described by “James Dalton” in his book “Mind Over Markets” for the market profile day trader including TPOs, POC, RL, VA and IB.
It brings full system to the screen of MT4, as it in the Market profile service providers with the typical interface. It draw the TPOs as letters or blocks the way you want, detects the TPO value area(not the volume VA) of the percentage you detect (0.7 is the default) and shows the Point of control of the day and the Initial Balance plus the opening flag for all of a number of days.
It allows to shift this parameters to next day (or number of days) to help you building the accurate vision of the current formative day. the ability to view the profile of the American, the Euro, the Asian sessions or the hole day session. it has also a pointer to detect the active TPO now.
This Version works only on M30 Time Frame (don’t try to switch to another Time Frame).
Input parameters:
Step : The step of point between each TPOs.
NumberOfDays : Counts the current and last days you want to view their profiles.
SessionHalfHours : Number of the half-hours in one session (default = 48 means the hole day).
ViewTPOs : To view it or not.
TPOs_as_Letters : If true view as letters ( if false view as blocks).
ViewOpenFlag : View the open of the session.
View_Pointer : View the pointer that point to the active TPo.
ViewrangeLine : View range line of the day or session.
rangeLine_Shift : The shift to next days or sessions.
ViewInitialBalanceLine : View the initial Balance of the session
ViewValueArea : View the TPo Value Area by two limit lines
ValueArea_Shift : The shift to next days or sessions
ViewPocLine : View the Point Of Control of the day or session
PocLine_shift : The shift to next days or sessions
ViewInformationText : Print the range, TPO Value Area and the Tick Volume of the session.
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Day Trader Market Profile is a Metatrader 4 (MT4) nuna alama da jigon da forex nuna alama shi ne ya canza da tara tarihin bayanai.
Day Trader Market Profile provides for an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye.
Bisa ga wannan bayani, yan kasuwa na iya zaton kara farashin motsi da kuma daidaita su dabarun daidai da.
How to install Day Trader Market Profile.mq4?
- Download Day Trader Market Profile.mq4
- Copy Day Trader Market Profile.mq4 to your Metatrader Directory / masana / Manuniya /
- Fara ko zata sake farawa da Metatrader Client
- Zaži Chart kuma isa kasashen Turai, inda kana so ka gwada ka nuna alama
- Bincike “Custom Manuniya” a cikin Navigator mafi yawa bar a cikin Metatrader Client
- Right click on Day Trader Market Profile.mq4
- Hašawa zuwa ginshiƙi
- Gyara saituna ko latsa lafiya
- Indicator Day Trader Market Profile.mq4 is available on your Chart
How to remove Day Trader Market Profile.mq4 from your Metatrader Chart?
- Zaži Chart inda ne nuna alama a guje cikin Metatrader Client
- Dama danna cikin Chart
- “Manuniya jerin”
- Select da nuna alama kuma share
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