While my own research focus has generally shifted towards the technology of combining multi-indicator/multi-variable models, ultimately I depend on various …
Two Great Forex Indicators: Bollinger Bands and Fibonacci ….. consider, by all means, the learning and understanding of a number of indicators …
Forex Trend System is an easy to follow forex trend indicator trading system.
Hi all! My new MT4 Indicator for Auto Trend Lines. Indictor calculate the waves (impulses) and then pivot points. This indicator don’t use any ZigZag
二元期權指標 – 下載說明
NewTrend is a Metatrader 4 (MT4) 指示燈和外匯指標的本質是把積累的歷史數據.
NewTrend provides for an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye.
基於該信息, 交易者可以進一步假設價格變動並相應地調整自己的策略.
How to install NewTrend.mq4?
- Download NewTrend.mq4
- Copy NewTrend.mq4 to your Metatrader Directory / 專家 / 指標 /
- 啟動或重新啟動的MetaTrader客戶端
- 要測試你的指標選擇圖表及時限
- 搜索 “自定義指標” 在您的瀏覽器大多留在你的MetaTrader客戶端
- Right click on NewTrend.mq4
- 附加到圖表
- 修改設置或按確定
- Indicator NewTrend.mq4 is available on your Chart
How to remove NewTrend.mq4 from your Metatrader Chart?
- 選擇哪裡是指示燈在您的MetaTrader客戶端運行圖
- 右鍵點擊進入圖表
- “指標清單”
- 選擇指示器和刪除