Smoothed Awesome Indicator

Smoothed Awesome Indicator


This indicator is a modification of classical Awesome indicator.

It computes the smoothed rate of change of twosmoothed moving averages. More precisely, the indicator has 3 inputs: shortmean and longmean stand for two smoothed moving averages (by default 5 and 34, respectively). The last input, meanAO, indicate the smoothed moving average for the rate of change between the shortmean-longmean.

In the followng image you can show this indicator in a daily chart of EURAUD with inputs 5 and 34 for the exponential means and 7 for the mean of the rate of change. You can compare the indicator with the classical Awesome indicator which has as inputs for the exponential averages 5 and 34 in the following image.


Binarju Għażliet Indikaturi – Istruzzjonijiet Download

Smoothed Awesome Indicator is a Metatrader 4 (MT4) indikatur u l-essenza ta 'l-indikatur forex huwa li tittrasforma d-dejta istorja akkumulat.

Smoothed Awesome Indicator provides for an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye.

Ibbażat fuq din l-informazzjoni, kummerċjanti jistgħu jassumu aktar moviment tal-prezz u jaġġustaw l-istrateġija tagħhom kif xieraq.

How to install Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4?

  • Download Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4
  • Copy Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4 to your Metatrader Directory / esperti / Indikaturi /
  • Jibdew jew jerġgħu jibdew Klijent Metatrader tiegħek
  • Ċart Select u Perjodu ta 'żmien fejn inti tixtieq li jittestjaw indikatur tiegħek
  • Fittex “Indikaturi Custom” fil-Navigator tiegħek aktar jitħalla fil Klijent Metatrader tiegħek
  • Right click on Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4
  • Waħħal għal chart
  • Timmodifika settings jew ok istampa
  • Indicator Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4 is available on your Chart

How to remove Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4 from your Metatrader Chart?

  • Agħżel il-Chart fejn ikun il-Indikatur jibda fil-Metatrader Klijent tiegħek
  • Right click fil-Chart
  • “Indikaturi lista”
  • Agħżel il-Indikatur u ħassar

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Smoothed Awesome Indicator


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