Price Alert plays sound alerts when the price reaches certain levels, specified by trader. It supports three types of signals: the first is used when the price rises above the specified level (shown as a green line on the chart); the second is used when the price falls below a certain level (red line on the chart); the third is used when the price reaches a strictly specified level (yellow line).
All signals disabled after triggering and can be re-enabled with new levels. If you use the feature of sending the signal by email, do not forget to configure the SMPT server and to specify the email address in your MetaTrader platform options window.
Binarju Għażliet Indikaturi – Istruzzjonijiet Download
Price Alert Binary Options Indicator is a Metatrader 4 (MT4) indikatur u l-essenza ta 'l-indikatur forex huwa li tittrasforma d-dejta istorja akkumulat.
Price Alert Binary Options Indicator provides for an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye.
Ibbażat fuq din l-informazzjoni, kummerċjanti jistgħu jassumu aktar moviment tal-prezz u jaġġustaw l-istrateġija tagħhom kif xieraq.
How to install Price Alert Binary Options Indicator.mq4?
- Download Price Alert Binary Options Indicator.mq4
- Copy Price Alert Binary Options Indicator.mq4 to your Metatrader Directory / esperti / Indikaturi /
- Jibdew jew jerġgħu jibdew Klijent Metatrader tiegħek
- Ċart Select u Perjodu ta 'żmien fejn inti tixtieq li jittestjaw indikatur tiegħek
- Fittex “Indikaturi Custom” fil-Navigator tiegħek aktar jitħalla fil Klijent Metatrader tiegħek
- Right click on Price Alert Binary Options Indicator.mq4
- Waħħal għal chart
- Timmodifika settings jew ok istampa
- Indicator Price Alert Binary Options Indicator.mq4 is available on your Chart
How to remove Price Alert Binary Options Indicator.mq4 from your Metatrader Chart?
- Agħżel il-Chart fejn ikun il-Indikatur jibda fil-Metatrader Klijent tiegħek
- Right click fil-Chart
- “Indikaturi lista”
- Agħżel il-Indikatur u ħassar
Ikklikkja hawn hawn taħt biex tniżżel il-Indikaturi Għażliet Binarju: