This indicator is a modification of classical Awesome indicator.
It computes the smoothed rate of change of twosmoothed moving averages. More precisely, the indicator has 3 inputs: shortmean and longmean stand for two smoothed moving averages (by default 5 and 34, respectively). The last input, meanAO, indicate the smoothed moving average for the rate of change between the shortmean-longmean.
In the followng image you can show this indicator in a daily chart of EURAUD with inputs 5 and 34 for the exponential means and 7 for the mean of the rate of change. You can compare the indicator with the classical Awesome indicator which has as inputs for the exponential averages 5 and 34 in the following image.
Binarii Bene Indicators – Download Instructions
Smoothed Awesome Indicator is a Metatrader 4 (MT4) et essentia est transformare signum forex indicator historiae notitia congesta.
Smoothed Awesome Indicator provides for an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye.
Fundatur in hoc notitia, adjust motus et mensuram velocitatis negotiatoribus adhuc consilio rem secundum pretium.
How to install Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4?
- Download Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4
- Copy Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4 to your Metatrader Directory / peritorum / Indicatores /
- Aut Start sileo vestri Metatrader Client
- Select Chart et Timeframe ubi vis ut cognoscam experimentum vestrum indicator
- Quaerere “Consuetudo Indicators” plerumque in Navigator remanserit in Metatrader Client
- Right click on Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4
- Suggero ut a chart
- Temperare occasus aut press ok
- Indicator Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4 is available on your Chart
How to remove Smoothed Awesome Indicator.mq4 from your Metatrader Chart?
- Lego Chart ubi est illud Indicis cursor in vestri Metatrader Client
- Vox click in Chartam
- “Indicatores album”
- Lego quod delete Indicis
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