


Indicator of the dominance of U.S. dollar. indicator value (activity) in each bar is determined by the number of monitoring tools, which cost in the bar falls against the U.S. dollar. principle of the indicator is based on the patterns identified by its author, in accordance with which the dominant activity in the U.S. dollar respect to the control set of instruments, the dollar is a high probability also increases with respect to any other asset. Therefore, in accordance with the testimony of the indicator at this dominant activity when Activity> 50, should you buy any asset USDxxx or sell any asset xxxUSD.

For the indicator the following characters must be present in the market through the terminal:
XAUUSD (GOLD), EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, USDCHF, AUDUSD, USDCAD, USDSGD, USDHKD, NZDUSD. Control set can be reduced, and the main instruments of change. To turn off quite a character erase his name in the settings. alternative set of reference: XAUUSD, EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, USDCHF.


Binar Pilihan pratondho – Download Instructions

USDominator is a Metatrader 4 (MT4) Indikator lan pet Indikator forex kanggo ndandani data sajarah nambah.

USDominator provides for an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye.

Adhedhasar informasi iki, pedagang bisa nganggep pergerakan rega luwih lan nyetel strategi sing sakcukupe.

How to install USDominator.mq4?

  • Download USDominator.mq4
  • Copy USDominator.mq4 to your Metatrader Directory / ahli / pratondho /
  • Miwiti utawa miwiti maneh MetaTrader Klien Panjenengan
  • Pilih Chart lan Timeframe ngendi sampeyan pengin nyoba Indikator Panjenengan
  • Search “Pratondho Custom” ing Navigator Panjenengan biasane kiwa ing MetaTrader Klien Panjenengan
  • Right click on USDominator.mq4
  • Masang kanggo grafik
  • Ngowahi setelan utawa penet ok
  • Indicator USDominator.mq4 is available on your Chart

How to remove USDominator.mq4 from your Metatrader Chart?

  • Pilih Chart where is Indikator mlaku ing MetaTrader Klien Panjenengan
  • Klik-tengen menyang Chart ing
  • “Dhaftar pratondho”
  • Pilih Indikator lan mbusak

Click below to download


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