Volume Divergence Markers (VDM) Binary Options Indicator

Volume Divergence Markers (VDM) Binary Options Indicator


This indicator places a marker on a chart based on a divergence between trade volumes and bar sizes, i.e. if bar size has been decreasing/increasing for N continuous bars and volume has been doing the opposite, a marker will be placed.

Usually, the markers are placed near the peaks before a reverse or in the middle of a technical correction during a trend. This indicator can be used to identify potential entry or exit points, depending on the configuration of input parameters. VDM does not provide complete information about potential trades if used without other indicators.

Higher input variables values mean less frequent signals. I am currently experimenting on how the false signals can be filtered. Also, a complementary indicator, which shows the direction in which the positions should be opened, is currently in development. Feel free to post your suggestions about improving this indicator.

UPDATE 27.05.2015: I have added the lines between markers, as requested. By default, they will be the same color as the markers.

Opcions Binàries Indicadors – Instruccions de descàrrega

Volume Divergence Markers (VDM) Binary Options Indicator is a Metatrader 4 (MT4) indicador i l'essència de l'indicador forex és transformar les dades història acumulada.

Volume Divergence Markers (VDM) Binary Options Indicator provides for an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye.

Basant-se en aquesta informació, els comerciants poden assumir més moviment dels preus i ajustar la seva estratègia en conseqüència.

How to install Volume Divergence Markers (VDM) Binary Options Indicator.mq4?

  • Download Volume Divergence Markers (VDM) Binary Options Indicator.mq4
  • Copy Volume Divergence Markers (VDM) Binary Options Indicator.mq4 to your Metatrader Directory / experts / indicadors /
  • Inicieu o reiniciar el seu client Metatrader
  • Seleccioneu Gràfic i calendari en què vulgueu provar el seu indicador
  • Cerca “Indicadors Personalitzats” en la seva Navegador majoria queda en el seu client de Metatrader
  • Right click on Volume Divergence Markers (VDM) Binary Options Indicator.mq4
  • Adjuntar a un gràfic
  • Modificar la configuració o premeu ok
  • Indicator Volume Divergence Markers (VDM) Binary Options Indicator.mq4 is available on your Chart

How to remove Volume Divergence Markers (VDM) Binary Options Indicator.mq4 from your Metatrader Chart?

  • Seleccioneu el gràfic en el qual s'executa en l'Indicador de la seva Client Metatrader
  • Feu clic dret en el gràfic
  • “Llista d'Indicadors”
  • Seleccioneu l'indicador i eliminar

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